Pool Leak DetectionIf You Are Losing Water From Your Pool And The Evaporation Is Not Eno …

Check for wet spots around the equipment pad, in wall steps, skimmer and cleaner line.

Use a bucket and a dye test to help find the location of your pool leak. First mark the water level inside and outside of your bucket and then come back 24 hours later.

Heater Repair

A faulty heater is one of the most common reasons for a pool to stop heating. In many cases, a dirty filter is the culprit and can easily be fixed by cleaning it and powering it back up. Alternatively, the problem may be caused by low water pressure.In that case, you’ll want to 4900 W. Eldorado Pkwy, Suite 148 check the pressure switch.

Another issue that could be causing your heater to shut off is a leak.If you’ve noticed that the Texas water level United States of America in your pool is dropping despite frequent top-offs, it could be a sign fix swimming pool leaks of a leak. In that case, a professional should use specialized equipment to locate and repair the leak. Alternatively, you can conduct the “bucket test.” Place a bucket on the first step of your pool and fill it up so that its water level is equal to the water in your pool. Leave it there for 24-48 hours and then compare the two levels. If the pool loses more water than the bucket, you have a leak.

Swimming Pool Leak

Pool leaks can be hard to notice, especially if the loss of water isn’t happening all the time. However, when the pool loses water it puts strain on the equipment that circulates and filters the water and can cause damage to the shell if the leak isn’t repaired.

Leaks can occur in the structure of the pool itself or in the plumbing system. Determining which type of leak you have will help you narrow down your search for the source of the leak.

If you suspect a structural leak, try the bucket test. Place a bucket on the second step of your pool and mark the inside and outside water levels. Wait 24 hours and check the marks again. If the pool’s water level is lower than the mark you made on the bucket, it is likely due to a leak in the pool structure. If the water is still dropping, spray the suspected area with dye to locate it.

Plumbing Leaks

If your pool water level remains low even after you perform the bucket test and other general troubleshooting, there may be a leak in the plumbing. First, shut off your pool pump, and then turn off the breaker connected to it as well. This reduces the risk of shock as you access and pressure test the plumbing.

If you see water loss in the pool that happens consistently when the equipment is running, this indicates a leak on the suction side (skimmer, main drain, and other equipment). If it only occurs with the pump off, it’s likely on the pressure side of the underground plumbing system.This McKinney kind of leak is harder to find and requires advanced pool leak detection techniques such as ultrasonic acoustics, tracer gas, and camera (214)-213-4637 leak locating. A professional can also use a hydraulic pressure test to isolate and find subsurface pipe leaks. These are often hidden by dirt and mud, but are more difficult to locate than a crack in the pool shell.


Many professional leak detection companies use equipment that can find leaks beneath several layers of concrete, rock and soil. They are able to pinpoint the location of the leak quickly and


. This saves you from additional plumbing repairs.

A good pool service professional will have at least a bucket test kit and a dye test to begin the process of finding a leak. From there they will use other more advanced and complex testing techniques. These often involve pressurizing a pipe and listening electronically for sounds of air escaping with a super-sensitive microphone.

Dolan recommends a minimum of leak tester syringes, leak-testing dye, inspection mirrors and pipe isolating cones for professionals venturing into the world of pool leak detection. He also suggests a deck plate for detecting leaks through bricks and concrete, a soil probe for under-soil listening and a pressure rig to induct air and water into plumbing lines

Pool Leak DetectionIf You Are Losing Water From Your Pool And The Evaporation Is Not Eno ...